The exemplar is from the Hours of Mary of Guelders, fol. 20, reproduced on p.79 of John Harthan, Books of Hours and Their Owners. The MS is dated to 1415.
The text reads:
One and all know that we, William and Æringunnr, Prince and Princess of Insula Draconis, have granted and by this our present charter confirmed to our subject Cedric of the Floppy Hat membership in our Order of the Fox and all the liberties and responsibilities which by law and custom belong to membership in the said order. Wherefore we wish and firmly command that he shall have and maintain all those good customs and rights, freely, quietly, and fully; and we prohibit any one from bringing any obstacle, or impediment, or diminution upon him in these matters on pain of forfeiture to us.
Æringunnrat Klakavirki
iij julii xlv
It is based on the first charter of King Stephen, dated to 1135 and previously available online here.
- 16 June: picked design, drew layout, started drawing upper border, wrote text, calligraphed.
- 18 June: drew out rest of design except for leaves, inked everything except for initial
- 19 June: everything else.
© 2010, Sara L. Uckelman.
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