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The exemplar is MS Codex San-Florianensis III,1, fol. 43v, an 11th C manuscript. Nov. 1, I drew out the lines and the initial, painted the green and blue, and wrote the incipit. Nov. 2, I did the gold, red, and white, and wrote the text, and Nov. 4, I calligraphed it while at the Gothenburg airport. Here are some photos of combat scribing:
The text reads in Latin:
Incipit verbis Ulfi et Ceve regis et regine
Magnas et multas attestationis actionum subjecti nostrorum Sophie audivimus, et placet nos. Scite quod his presentibus agnoscimus virtutem dignitatemque supradicte Sophie. Altamus et assignamus ei ordonis domine et jus tali armis prout deferet cum Collegio Armorum. Nullus prohibeat Sophiam ostendere istos armos, alioqui irascemur.
Fit manibus nostris in septetvicesimo die Novembris anno societatis xlv.
Here begin the words of Ulf and Caoimhe king and queen.
Great and numerous attestations of the actions of our subject Sophie have we heard, and it pleases us. Know by these presents that we recognize the virtue and dignity of the abovesaid Sophie. We raise her to the rank of lady and assign to her the rights to such arms as she shall register with the College of Arms. No one prohibit Sophie from displaying those arms, or we shall be mad.
Done by our hands in the 17th day of November, a.s. xlv.
© 2010, Sara L. Uckelman.