The border was drawn out and the text calligraphed on the first day; I don't have notes about the rest, but I don't think I finished this is one day. Maybe I did.
The text is Latin:
Audite verbis Thorvaldi Fioneque regis regineque Drachenwaldenses. Scite quod his presentibus agnoscimus virtutem dignitatemque subjecti nostrorum Marco Bucht.
Altamus et assignamus ei ordonis domini et jus tali armis prout deferet cum collegio armorum. Fit manibus nostris in decum die Aprilis anno societatis quadraginta quattuor apud Poukka.
Which reads in translation:
Pay heed to the words of Thorvaldr and Fiona, King and Queen of Drachenwald. Know that by these presents we recognize the worth and dignity of our subject Marcus Bucht. We raise him to the rank of lord and grant to him all rights to such arms as he shall register with the college of arms. Done by our hands on the 10th day of April, in the year of the society forty-four at Poukka.
The design is based (rather poorly) on Codex Claustroneoburgensis 1193, fol. 404r, which is late 15th C, German (?). Let's just say that there turned out to be way more shading than I am comfortable with.
© 2010, Sara L. Uckelman.
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