This is based on British Library MS Burney 275 f.336, French, between 1309 and 1316. The penwork P was done Feb. 28, the border was drawn, inked, and painted Mar. 16, the white work and the painting of the arms on the Mar. 17, and finally, the calligraphy on Mar. 20.
Here is the text:
Pay heed to the words of Gerhardt and Judith, King and Queen of Drachenwald. We, not only through common report and the testimony of many worthy and credible gentles, but also by our own witness are well acquainted with and informed of the deeds and doings of our subject Balduin Valke, and it is our solemn and joyful duty to recognize the worth and nobility of the said Balduin by raising him to the rank of lord with all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges appertaining thereto including the sole and unique right to bear the arms blazoned as follows and depicted more plainly below, that is to say: Or, a pair of wings sable. So that none may give the said Balduin any let or hindrance or other impediment in the displaying of the said arms and in testimony of our action we have set our hands below on the 12th day of December, a.s. xliv, being the feast of Saint Lucia.
© 2010, Sara L. Uckelman.
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