AoA for Tamara of Thamesreach

The exemplar is fol. 125v of Codex Mellicensis 1079, from the 15th C. I didn't have space (or enough confidence in my abilities) to add the bunnies; I'm not entirely sure I like how my turned out compared to the original (in part because I couldn't zoom in to the image enough to see how the penwork inside the initial was supposed to go, and my green isn't the right color, and I can't draw decent birds, or copy swirls easily...), but I also think it might be one that will grow on me the more time elapses since I did it. (I marked out and practiced the calligraphy the first day; I did the actually scroll entirely on the second day.).
The text is my standard Latin AoA text for a recipient with registered arms, but this time I went and tried to put the blazon into Latin as well, which I think worked OK:
Audite verbis Thorvaldi et Fione regis et regine drachenwaldenses. Scite quod his presentibus agnoscimus virtutem et dignitatem subjecti nostrorum Tamare de Thamesreach. Altamus et assignamus ei ordonis domine et jus insigni super scutum argentum quinct folii philyre virides duo unus duo circuitur rubro. Fit manibus nostris in xxix die Maii anno societatis xlv apud West Dragoningshire.
Pay heed to the words of Thorvaldr and Fiona, King and Queen of Drachenwald. Know that by these presents we recognize the worth and dignity of our subject Tamara of Thamesreach. We raise her to the rank of lady and grant to her all rights to the insignia on a silver shield five green linden leaves two one two bordered by red. Done by our hands on the 29th day of May, in the year of the society 45, at West Dragoningshire.
25apr: marked out and tested calligraphy.
1may: calligraphed, painted initial, did border, and arms.
© 2010, Sara L. Uckelman.
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