Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Two Blanks by Elsabelle

Blank I Blank I Blank D

This two blanks were done by my 6yo daughter, Elsabelle Makeblisse. The initial I was modelled after BL MS Burney 11 f. 57v. I sketched the design, and inked some of it; Elsabelle inked the rest, and painted the rest, including helping make decisions about the colors to use, since some of the colors were not immediately obvious/clear in the original image. The initial G was based on Harley 1662 f. 37v. In this, Elsabelle did more of the sketching than in previous ones, doing the bands on the upright and the central floral design.

These two were entered into the Protector's A&S competition at Raglan 2018. Competition entries were supposed to address two questions. Below I reproduce her answers to the questions:

What did you find hard? (On the "G") "The scales on the fish. And I tried the swirl on the eye and it was kind of hard, but I tried it, and there was someone to help me there, so I did it." (On the "I") "On this one, I found it difficult to draw the eyes on the sea monsters, but I looked at the picture really really really carefully, and then I tried to copy it and I did my best."

How did you learn to do it? "I learned by practicing. And there was someone to teach me how to do it. For the dots, you just go up and down, you don't hold the paintbrush like you're drawing, just go straight up and down."

© 2018, G. R. Uckelman.

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