This was one of my "gotchya!" scrolls. Mistress Johanna has been a bounteous creator of largesse for many kings and queens of Drachenwald -- since stepping up, I have received TWO boxes via mail, and more delivered by hand. Imagine my surprise when I checked the OP, and no one had yet thought to recognize her skills and services to the arts & sciences. (Largesse is not the only thing; she's always teaching and displaying and learning, too.) A quick email to Paul, saying "We've got to fix this", a quick response back, and we were set. :) It was only a week and a half before the event, so I had to use a blank, but since I wanted something simple, delicate, and elegant, this blank by Lady Agatha of Norwich was just what I wanted. Agatha based the illumination on the Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, which I went to to try to copy the calligraphy as best I could.
For the text, I went through the MED and looked up every adjective that had "noble" in its meaning, and selected all of the appropriate ones (minus "daft", "sely", and "odde"), because I knew one modifier alone, or even two or three would not be enough to describe all that she has done. I composed the text on the first day, and for once actually did a practice version, to see if the text would fit (it did, perfectly -- I didn't have to do any modifications!), and calligraphed it the next. The text reads:
Considering well the avenaunt, chois, comely, digne, excellent, honourliche, liberal, queme, true, wale and forthmostly the bountevous generositie of Johanna aff Hucka we make her a member of the Order of Panache, on the x day of nov xlvii.
Now witnessed:
© 2012, Sara L. Uckelman.