Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Panache for George Fitzhume

GeorgeCodex Claustroneoburgensis 136 fol. 304

This scroll was done on a blank by Nicole d'Anjou, based on a 15th C MS. I did the calligraphy on Jul. 18 and painted the panache on Jul. 19.

The text reads:

Lief and Morrigan, king and queen of drachenwald, to all the dukes, counts, barons, lords, and gentles of this kingdom, greetings and salutations. Let it be known that we have not only by the testimony of many worthy and credible gentles but also by our own witness been informed and acquainted with the skills in diverse arts and sciences, most particularly metalurgy, displayed by our subject Sir George Fitzhume. In recognition of this we the above-named king and queen make the said George a member of our Order of the Panache, with all the rights, responsibilities, and privileges appertaining thereto, and so that all may know of his excellence, of his knowledge, and of his prowess in these matters we charge him to bear the badge of the order, depicted in the margin below. So that none may lawfully contest this our will we have signed our names below on the 10th day of August, a.s. xlvi, at Pennsic War.

It is based on the 1459/60 grant of arms to John Alfrey, number 4 at http://verysleepy.itgo.com/grants.htm.

© 2011, Sara L. Uckelman.

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