This was done for an interkingdom scribal exchange. This is an AoA blank for Trimaris. The layout and lining was drawn Oct. 22, the calligraphy done Oct. 25, 29, and Nov. 2. The text reads:
To alle true and noble people thise present lettres seing or hering greetings by us king and quene of Trimaris. It is soo that many persones been moeved of noble and gentile courage to exercise virtuous condiciones by the whiche they shall come to the perfeccion of grete honour and be rewarded for their merits by renown and that they may be in all places of great honour perpetually shining before others by certain signs and shows of honour and gentility. That is to say of blazon helmet and crest in order that by their example others may the more endeavour perseveringly to spend their days in feats of arms and other virtuous works so as to attain renown of auncient gentility in their name, line and posterity. Of which persones oone in especial whos name is ___________, of the shire of _______________, who has long in his affairs borne himself valiantly and conducted himself honourably so that he has deserved well and is well worthy that henceforth perpetually and for ever more he and his posterity may be in all places honourably admitted renowned counted numbered and received among the number and in the company of other ancient gentle and noble lords. And for the remembrance of this his gentility we charge the said ___________ to devise suitable and unique signs and markings, that is to say blazon helmet and crest, the blazon of which he is to register with the College of Arms and which is to be depicted more pleinly below in words and image, to have and to hold by him alone henceforth and forevermore. In witness whereof we the said King and Queen have signed with owre hands these presents, made and given at _________ on the ____ day of ____ in the year of the society ___.
It is based on a combination of the grants to John Alfrey and John Aleyn. The lines are 1/4".
© 2011, Sara L. Uckelman.