The blank was done by Nicole d'Anjou, based on Codex Claustroneoburgensis 104, fol. 1r; I added the initial, from fol. 173v of the same MS.
The text reads:
To all good true and noble people these present letters seeing hearing or reading greetings and good will from Vitus and Eleanora, king and queen of Drachenwald. It is so that many persons have been moved of noble and gentle courage to exercise virtuous marks and conditions by the which they shall come to the perfection of great honour. Of which persons one in especial whose name is Anita von Baden of the shire of Klakavirki who has served our realm greatly and who in all her affairs has borne herself valiantly and conducted herself honourably so that she has deserved well and is well worthy that henceforth and forevermore she may be in all places admitted counted numbered and received among the company of other ancient and gentle nobles. Whereupon we the said king and queen have made herein an award of arms to the said Anita so that she and no other person but her may bear such arms as she shall register with the College of Arms. In witness whereof to these letters we have set our marks below on the 12th day of March, a.s. xlv.
© 2011, Sara L. Uckelman.
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