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AoA for Iida Juhanantytär | AoA for Hildegard Juhanantytär |
Psalter of John Barry, Paris, ca. 1386, Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, ms fr. 13091, fol. 7v-8 |
These two scrolls were designed to look like facing pages of the same manuscript, much like their exemplar. Iida's was done on March 5, 7, 9, and 18; it took about one day to sketch and ink in the outlines, one day to do the gold, one day to do the red and blue, and another to do the calligraphy. Hildegrad's was done on March 18 and 20; I sketched it and inked it first day, and then settled down to do all the painting the second day, and finished up the calligraphy later that evening.
Text. Iida's reads:
Presentium auctoritate nos Michael et Moira rex et regina Drachenwaldenses altamus subjectum Iidam filiam Johannis ad ordinem domine agnitionis huius virtutis et dignitatem. Assignamus jus tali armis prout deferet cum collegio armorum. Fit manibus nostris in 17 die Junii anno societatis xli.
Which translates to:
By the authority of these presents we Michael and Moira king and queen of Drachenwald raise our subject Iida Juhanantytär to the rank of lady in recognition of her worth and dignity. We grant to her all right to such arms as she will register with the college of arms. Done by our hands on the 17th day of June anno societatis 41.
For Hildegard's I wanted to use a different initial, and had a choice (given my exemplar) of "L", "C", or "I". It took a bit of tweaking but I ended up with this text beginning with "L":
Licet et bonus est honorare virtutem et dignitatem nostri subjecti Hildegardis filie Johannis. Nos igitur Alaricus et Nerissa rex et regina Drachenwaldenses altamus Hildegardem ad ordinem domine et assignamus ei jus tali armis prout deferet cum collegio armorum. Fit manibus nostris in 1 die Septembris anno societatis xlii.
Which translates to:
It is lawful and it is good to honor the excellence and worth of our subject Hildegard Juhanantytär. Therefore we Alaric and Nerissa king and queen of Drachenwald raise Hildegard to the rank of lady and grant to her all rights to such arms as she shall register with the college of arms. Done by our hands on the 1st day of September anno societatis xlii.
© 2009, Sara L. Uckelman.