The text reads in translation Pay heed to the words of Sven and Jovi, King and Queen of Drachenwald. Know that by these letters we recognize the worth and dignity of our subject Simona di Piero Valentini. We raise her to the rank of lady and grant to her all rights to the arms Per pale azure and gules, a hanging balance argent. Done by our hands on the 11th day of April, in the year of the society XLII.
The design is based on various pages from the Visconti Hours. The gold bars and the outer floral design comes from BR 115; the border around the text is from LF18; and the framework for the arms from LF 40v. I also took the capitals from some place in the Hours, I just don't remember where at this point. The background for the arms was supposed to be diagonal rows of blue and red, not vertical, but I didn't remember that I wanted to do this until I had all the blue and a quarter of the red painted. So now I just tell myself I planned it this way, to mimic the field of the arms. The scroll was done over a number of days in July and August 2008.
Paints: Talens gouache, gold, vermillion, green, ultramarine light, and white.
© 2008, Sara L. Uckelman.